Why Is Everybody So Afraid of Drugs? Alcohol Is the Most Abused Drug.?

Question by Cricket Cook Fibromialgia: Why is everybody so afraid of drugs? Alcohol is the most abused drug.?

Best answer:

Answer by louy lefty
My surgeon does Drugs

Answer by liljen
Alcohol is the most abused because its legal and “cool”. People are afraid of alcohol too, it tears families apart.

The Mind in Motion: Alcohol and with Anxiety and Depression Part 2
Mind in Motion Host Mary is joined by frequent guest Justine Pawlukewicz, Ph.D. to discuss the effects of self-medicating with drugs and alcohol to help with…


One Response to Why Is Everybody So Afraid of Drugs? Alcohol Is the Most Abused Drug.?

  • dksal says:

    Who’s afraid of drugs?…….Nope, not me. Why, back “in the day”, you didn’t even know what they all were. Somebody would say, Hey, I just picked these up. Here, try some, and yoI would Of course that was like….30 years ago….=)……….I would rather be around someone that smoked a little than someone that was drinking. Drunks get so hostile, always trying to pick a fight, they say mean things, they throw up in your car, and the smoker will just swipe your candybar!