When NOT Take Another One

When NOT Take Another One

Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

The average counselor had 17 years of experience treating substance use disorders, with 89-91 percent of their patients having been diagnosed with drug and/or alcohol abuse or dependence disorders. Alcohol abuse is were a person's drinking gets out of …
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Religious local authors

Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

Every day there are new approaches and drugs to help people overcome the emotional pain of depression, stress and anxiety. But even with these new discoveries and treatments, people continue to struggle with mental health issues. With his first book …
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Why churches must take sides in the coming General Election

Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

Nothing new there as ultimately elections are all about numbers and not principles or manifestos since the bulk factor is the primary ingredient in Kenyan politics. Each of the top five has the same strategy: secure your … The top brass live in the …
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Club Drugs When the Party’s Over – At CDAT (Christian Drug and Alcohol Treatment), we offer free local substance abuse classes, information on drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs. We provide assistance to those who are experiencing difficulty sorting out what to do about someone at risk of addiction and the consequences. We specialize in information and counseling as it relates to drug and alcohol rehabilitation embodied in both traditional and Christian recovery principles.visit www.christiandrugandalcoholtreatment.com or call us on our toll free number (760) 991-2328