What Happens When I Get Served With Legitimation Papers?
Question by : what happens when i get served with legitimation papers?
i just found out today that the man that abused me during half of my pregnancy and our entire relationship filed for legitimation on court and the thing is i gave my child for adoption which it was the best for bubs since i can’t raise him and he is a drug addict abusive alcoholic lunatic that loves beating up woman and act like the victim. i stayed trough out the pregnancy with my mom in the state of GA but i live in Washington d.c and he served me with these papers here!! im supposed to go back to work in Washington next Tuesday but i don’t know what to do since i got told about this situation. I was wondering if i can go back home or do i have to stay here in GA or what are my options. i would love answers from those that have gone trough this before or whoever can give me a good answer it will much be appreciated!!! THANKS
the adoption has not been finalized yet and im not supposed to be asking him for permission since he was abusive and i got a 3 year protective order against him but i guess the lunatic could waste my time in court??? even knowing he has issues with woman and hits them??
Best answer:
Answer by Dreamweaver back for more
Legally you shouldnt have given the baby up without the fathers signature. Now, he can file to have the child returned to him. This has cause quite the mess, eh?
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