What Drug Is More Addictive? Crack, Heroin or Meths?

Question by dave: What drug is more addictive? Crack, Heroin or Meths?
What drug gives the biggest initial buzz or feeling?

Best answer:

Answer by J.Faber
heroin is known to be one of the most addictive things out there. then it would be meth, and then crack. crack just gives you that feeling that people are looking for, but its easier to stop than the other two. they are both crazy difficult to quit.

Answer by gengen
sorry im not a drug user…staying sober is the best…

4 Responses to What Drug Is More Addictive? Crack, Heroin or Meths?

  • Krissy S says:

    They all have the same, They are all schedule I substances.

    Stay off of drugs, Its best not to get addicted in the first place

  • little_kywildcat says:

    Many medications – from some antidepressants to certain high blood pressure drugs – produce physical dependence, but no craving. Anyone who takes drugs that produce physical dependence for long enough will become dependent; but that person is not addicted unless the drug produces craving despite negative life consequences.

    The vast majority of people who try any drug – even heroin or strong opiates like Oxycontin – do not become addicts. Addiction rates amongst drug takers typically vary from 1-20%, depending on factors that increase risk such as young age, male gender, drug taking for recreational rather than medical reasons, current severe stress, genetics and past traumatic stress.

    Research funded by the government, which was frightened that Viet Nam vets returning from that war would bring massive rates of heroin addiction home with them found the opposite – even though the vets were at high risk because of their age, gender and stressful experience. Although 45% of U.S. soldiers in Viet Nam reported trying heroin, only 20% spent some time addicted and just 12% returned to heroin addiction once they got home. And this occurred despite the fact that 60% of those who had been addicted in Viet Nam used heroin at least once after returning stateside

    Right now, the media is claiming that methamphetamine is the most addictive and dangerous drug – and that recovery from it is much more difficult than from other drugs. The research shows, however, that methamphetamine addicts have about the same recovery rates as those trying to kick other drugs. Previously, crack was the most addictive; before that it was heroin. Next year it will be something else.

    If you want to know the relative dangers of various drugs, look at death rates amongst long term users, typical length of addiction, overdose risk and treatment statistics. Search for this information in medical journals or on government websites like that of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Rely more on what academic researchers say than on anecdotes from “experts” like treatment center owners or police officers. You’ll rarely find accurate information in the popular press, particularly about a new, hot drug.

  • Bayybee. says:


  • Coco! says:

    Heroin by far is the most addictive. Its also the most dangerous