What Are Unrealistic Expectations of Recovering Addicts?

What are Unrealistic Expectations of Recovering Addicts?
http://www.HabitDoc.com – CALL (888)-42HABIT (888-224-2248) What are unrealistic expectations of recovering addicts? http://youtu.be/fRwElSQQPc4 It’s very di…


8 Responses to What Are Unrealistic Expectations of Recovering Addicts?

  • Alcohol is not a disease. Just? as the same way addiction to sugar, caffeine, nicotene, etc. isn’t a disease.

  • Skip Christensen says:

    The Doctor did not actually say it wasn’t a disease either. ? Draw your own conclusions and be wrned…

  • Steve Bunty says:

    normal people are at ease drinking alchoholics? are not they have a dis-ease

  • badtown88 says:

    Wow this guy makes a ton of sense. I’m still not buying everything he says because I have a distrust of a lot of these addiction people.? But he’s probably the best I’ve heard.

  • MrXSpeaks says:

    you can say that addiction is not a disease if you want, and I think that is technically correct, however it is not the whole truth either.

    the whole truth is that addictions are not just habits, or things that we happen to like. The true addict is experiencing an exagerrated chemical effect in their brain,? both positive and negative. When they stop doing the stimulating activity , they do not simply return to normal. they return to below normal.

  • Steven Parker says:

    kudos for being about to just put it down yourself, but someone that has had there brain functions altered from chemicals for long periods of time (10 years for me) has to re-learn how to? cope. not everyone is the same – must never knew how to cope with life/emotions. yes, addicts can quit, its the STAYING off for life thats the challenge.

  • viper8red says:

    Well said, Alcoholism? is NOT a disease. I have a disease, I can’t will it away. I willed alcoholism away. It was tough but I quit on my own without help and thankfully i didn’t get sucked up into the AA-Cult of religious rhetoric and drunk-a-logues.

    Well said Dr!

  • forestskog says:

    Doctor, if you put these videos up yourself then please consider this as non-mean spirited constructive criticism. First, it is absolutely pointless to make videos that are 1 minute long. Second, the editing is so bad that you get cut off in mid-sentence at the end of the video. Makes the production look ridiculously amateurish. 13 y old kids on Youtube know how to make videos that look semi professional.? Look at other videos on Youtube and get a feel for it. Or hire a kid 2 help you.