What Are the Penalties for Juvenile Marijuana Possession?

Question by vileswine: What are the penalties for juvenile marijuana possession?
So on my birthday, me and my friend each got an eighth of cannabis and we were pulled over and taken to the station. Now, I’m a juvenile and I was curious if anyone knew the potential consequences for a first time non-violent, juvenile, drug offender. I looked it up online and it said that its a “non-citable” offense in San Diego and I was curious if anyone had any more information about it. For more information, email me.

Best answer:

Answer by lamb
Im not entirely sure because of the decriminalization of marijuana in california. but in most states youre looking at about $ 400 in fines and 198 days in jail suspended upon completion of a year or so of probation. but like i said, im not sure because california was smart enough to decriminalize it in recent history

…420 blazedup…

Answer by erik v
fine and probation for up to a year. Maybe a little community service, and some rehab, but i doubt it since it is your first offense. Suggestion: whenever you need to go somewhere with marijuana in the car, keep it in the trunk! In NJ (and i would assume most other states too), the cops need a warrant to search the trunk, while they can pat down the occupants of the car and tear apart the inside on just probable cause. My friend had a very close encounter and was saved because he refused to open his trunk when asked.

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