What Are Some Statistics on the Effects of Drug Abuse?

Question by thats whats up: What are some statistics on the effects of drug abuse?
im doing a project for my high school FCCLA program. It is over the long term effects of juvenile drug abuse and how it effects you. I need more stats on what happens when you use them, not how many use them.

Best answer:

Answer by A.B
First play this song while you read this.

There’s only 3 places drug addicts end up.
1. Jail
2. Institutionalized
3. Dead

If you quit then you get your life back.

Give your answer to this question below!



Harmful Effects and Consequences of Drug Abuse


From Twitter:

RT @thisischarley: RT @thisischarley: WHY on earth would you portray the good effects of a drug when we are a nation struggling with drug abuse? Ridiculous. – by dirtypreachaaa (daniel paul)

From Twitter:

WHY on earth would you portray the good effects of a drug when we are a nation struggling with drug abuse? Ridiculous. – by thisischarley (charley pearce)

From Twitter:

Are there any rich scientists out there that would like to study the long term effects of drug & alcohol abuse on a middle aged mans body? – by MushFrood (Mush Frood)