Infected and Unaware: HIV Hitting America's Youth
Infected and unaware: HIV hitting America's youth
Filed under: drug treatment centers in st. louis mo
Infected and unaware: HIV hitting America's youth. Aaron Laxton of St. Louis, Missouri, takes part in a demonstration in front of the White House… Continue reading
Can Doing a Lot of Drugs Effect My Singing Abilities?
Question by Penny C: can doing a lot of drugs effect my singing abilities?
I’ve been into the whole ‘drug scene’ for a while now and have noticed my lack of motivation, and also my voice has weakened. I… Continue reading
Becker Challenger: Judges Should Show 'dispassion'
Becker challenger: Judges should show 'dispassion'
Filed under: drug abuse help in delaware
Becker, who lives in Stamford, was elected to the position in 2002. His major accomplishment was the establishment of the Delaware County Drug Court, he said. It… Continue reading
Why, in Your Opinion Is Marijuana Bad?
Question by Electronic_Funk: Why, in your opinion is marijuana bad?
First I would like to address that I want no ignorant answers, meaning “weed is bad because: it kills people, it’s illegal, the bible says…” In other words, no… Continue reading
HB Officials Target Drug Abuse After Teen's Death
HB officials target drug abuse after teen's death
Filed under: drug addiction help websites
… target drug abuse after teen's death. The Huntington Beach Union High School District has launched a three-tiered plan on drug abuse and other issues teens… Continue reading
Rehab for Drug Addicted Kids as Local Cases Almost Treble
Rehab for drug addicted kids as local cases almost treble
Filed under: drug addiction
THE number of children officially recorded with drug and alcohol addictions in the local area has increased almost threefold over the past two years. A total… Continue reading