Sao Paulo to Force Treatment on Addicts
Sao Paulo to force treatment on addicts
Filed under: free drug rehab treatment
For now 700 spots in the mandatory rehab program have been created. It will get … Brazil's congress plans to vote in February on a bill that… Continue reading
Govt Keen to Boost Drug Rehab Centres-Minister
Govt keen to boost drug rehab centres-minister
Filed under: drug rehab
The Government is committed to seeing drug addicts rehabilitated in centres which are conducive for such tasks, the minister for Science and Technology Professor Makame Mbarawa has said. He… Continue reading
Kids and Parents in Grip of Technology Addiction
Kids and parents in grip of technology addiction
Filed under: internet addiction help
… insidious mainstream addiction that's destroying families." Mr Stephenson said that in the past year, about 250 families have sought counselling to help them manage screen addiction… Continue reading
Alzheimer's Drug Dials Back Deafness in Mice
Alzheimer's Drug Dials Back Deafness In Mice
Filed under: drug treatment programs in georgia
Next, the team administered an experimental drug known as a gamma secretase inhibitor to the inner ear. Gamma secretase inhibitors were developed to treat Alzheimer's disease,… Continue reading
Roll Call of Some Who Died in 2012
Roll call of some who died in 2012
Filed under: District of Columbia Drug Rehab Centers
Whitney Houston, 48. She ruled as pop music's queen until her majestic voice was ravaged by drug use and her regal image ruined by… Continue reading
Prevent Child Abuse, Neglect
Prevent Child Abuse, Neglect
Filed under: drug addiction help for families
But when the killing is done one by one, sometimes by the very parents who are supposed to cherish and protect children, the outcry is muted, if present… Continue reading