the addiction

Why Does This Prayer Always Get Unanswered?

Question by John Ball: Why does this prayer always get unanswered?
I am a TRUE and proud Christian, thus I have prayed for almost a year now to God for Him to take the drug abuse and the addiction away… Continue reading

Three Bearers of Hope

Three bearers of hope
programs have improved the lives of many millions of neglected, abused and drug-addicted children and their caretakers. Berta Blecke is my example of those rare and powerful citizen volunteers … and becomes three moist, exquisite cumuli.… Continue reading

How Many Innocent American Lives Would Have to Be Taken by Mad Men and People Under Drug Influence?

Question by K2010: How many innocent American lives would have to be taken by mad men and people under drug influence?
before they are locked up in psych words for forced treatment or imprisoning. It is hard enough to get… Continue reading

Can a Person Plead Drug Dependent in the State of Ohio, and Get the Chance to Do Rehab?

Question by kiki: Can a person plead drug dependent in the state of ohio, and get the chance to do rehab?
A friend of mine is in jail now for fleeing and eluding, plus has charges filed against him for… Continue reading

Elkins Man Sentenced on Drug-Related Charges

Elkins man sentenced on drug-related charges
Hedrick told the court he had been struggling with addiction, which was the root cause of his criminal activity. He also … When asked, Maxey stated that some of the items she had purchased… Continue reading

How Is Counseling Done as Part of a Drug Rehab Program?

Question by aubrie a: How is counseling done as part of a drug rehab program?
I am a senior student and is dreaming of becoming a counselor someday. I’ve heard from our teacher that counseling is an essential part of… Continue reading