synthetic drugs

Farmington Police Cracking Down on Synthetic Drugs

Farmington police cracking down on synthetic drugs

Filed under: symptoms of drug addiction

On Monday, officers warned the employees of the Farmington Lil General Store – which is the only business in town that sells the products – as part… Continue reading

What Are the Problem With Drug Rehabilitation Programs ?

Question by Ashley: What are the problem with drug rehabilitation programs ?
I want to know if drug rehabilitation programs have any world issue

Like if they think there needs to be more funding or less
What it needs… Continue reading

Amid Horse Meat Concerns, Lawmakers Introduce Legislation

Amid horse meat concerns, lawmakers introduce legislation

Filed under: Drug Addiction Help Washington D.C.

WASHINGTON – Members of Congress, national animal welfare groups, veterinarians and equestrians gathered on Capitol Hill Wednesday to support legislation that would protect horses and the… Continue reading

What Are a Parents Rights vs. NV CPS if One Parent Passes Drug Test , and the Other Passes Only Hair Test?

Question by Krista: What are a parents rights vs. NV CPS if one parent passes drug test , and the other passes only hair test?
CPS took my friends child from his grandparents, whom he was visiting in another… Continue reading

Into Action Treatment Connects With Sonia Lee, Recovery & Addiction Singer at

Into Action Treatment Connects with Sonia Lee, Recovery & Addiction Singer at

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association florida

Into Action Treatment is attending the event as well, a South Florida drug rehab, and just like the Harmony Foundation,… Continue reading

Easy Access to Synthetic Drugs Leads to Crackdown

Easy access to synthetic drugs leads to crackdown

Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers

Although a new crackdown by law enforcement is starting to curb the abuse, synthetic drugs continue to attract a vulnerable demographic: young men looking for… Continue reading