Is Huckabee a Socialist?
Question by Eric T: Is Huckabee a Socialist?
If you think Huckabee is a socialist, please provide some info on what things he has done as governor to support this stance or provide some info on what he would do… Continue reading
Were Can I Find Info on Transitional Housing for Drug Addicts in the Atlanta, Georgia Area?
Question by GERRY: Were can I find info on Transitional Housing for Drug Addicts in the Atlanta, Georgia area?
Best answer:
Answer by allen s
Try your local central offices of either AA, NA, or CA. They should know about… Continue reading
Insurers Required to Cover Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Insurers Required To Cover Mental Health And Substance Abuse
WASHINGTON D.C., — Both mental illnesses and substance abuses will be covered with the same resources that are used to cover physical illnesses. WASHINGTON D.C.– According to the Institute of Mental… Continue reading
A Japanese Asthma Drug May Help Curb Meth and Heroin Addiction
A Japanese Asthma Drug May Help Curb Meth and Heroin Addiction
Filed under: drug addiction treatment programs
A Japanese drug, used for over two decades to treat asthma, might find a new use in the treatment of amphetamine and opioid… Continue reading