STATE WATCH: Legalized Marijuana a Downer for New Jersey
STATE WATCH: Legalized marijuana a downer for New Jersey
residential or outpatient treatment more than one time. Source: Chartbook of Substance Abuse, 2013, N.J. Div. of Mental Health and Drug Addiction Services. Advocates of marijuana legalization might call it “Reefer… Continue reading
STATE WATCH: Legalized Marijuana a Downer for New Jersey
STATE WATCH: Legalized marijuana a downer for New Jersey
Colorado and Washington State voters have approved “recreational” sales of marijuana. And 19 states including New Jersey, plus Washington … The film later inspired an Off-Broadway musical spoof of the same… Continue reading
Southwest Florida Congressman Stands by Claim His Substance Abuse Never Affected Congressional Duties
Southwest Florida Congressman stands by claim his substance abuse never affected congressional duties
WASHINGTON D.C. – Embattled Southwest Florida congressman Trey Radel is standing by his claim that his substance abuse never affected what he’s done in Congress. “My use… Continue reading
Southwest Florida Congressman Stands by Claim His Substance Abuse Never Affected Congressional Duties
Southwest Florida Congressman stands by claim his substance abuse never affected congressional duties
WASHINGTON D.C. – Embattled Southwest Florida congressman Trey Radel is standing by his claim that his substance abuse never affected what he’s done in Congress. “My use… Continue reading
Southwest Florida Congressman Stands by Claim His Substance Abuse Never Affected Congressional Duties
Southwest Florida Congressman stands by claim his substance abuse never affected congressional duties
WASHINGTON D.C. – Embattled Southwest Florida congressman Trey Radel is standing by his claim that his substance abuse never affected what he’s done in Congress. “My use… Continue reading