social work

Letters for Dec. 20: Guns, Religion and Marijuana

Letters for Dec. 20: Guns, religion and marijuana

Filed under: marijuana addiction help

I know hundreds of parents whose children are in treatment or prison with the major diagnosis being "marijuana addiction."Dr. Robert DuPont, an internationally recognized psychiatrist and the… Continue reading

Cameron Questioned by MPs on Policing, Crime and Green Policies; Politics Live

Cameron questioned by MPs on policing, crime and green policies; Politics live

Filed under: drug rehab treatment drinking age

Q: Do we need to be tougher on those who launder drug money? Cameron says he has not read the… Continue reading

What Are Some Career Alternatives for Social Work?

Question by chikeymonky: What are some career alternatives for social work?
I have a BA in Social Work and minored in Psychology. Currently, I work in the training/education field. Can anyone suggest other career opportunties?

Best answer:

Answer by… Continue reading

Native Spirituality Helps Some Cope

Native spirituality helps some cope

Filed under: drug addiction help oregon

There are more than 5 million American Indians or Alaska natives in the United States, including more than 100,000 in Oregon. Addiction is a big problem among this population.… Continue reading

How to Become an Addiction Counselor With Prior Felony?

Question by ?grundle goat?: How to Become an Addiction Counselor with prior Felony?
my girlfriend was convicted for possession of meth 7 years ago. she did some time in prison and finished a 2 year treatment program for substance… Continue reading

TruTag Technologies Debuts New Portable Authentication Reader at the

TruTag Technologies Debuts New Portable Authentication Reader at the

Filed under: Washington D.C. Drug Abuse

HONOLULU, Nov. 28, 2012 — /PRNewswire/ — TruTag Technologies today announced their participation in the Seventh Global Forum on Pharmaceutical AntiCounterfeiting and Diversion in… Continue reading