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Combating Prescription Drug Abuse
Combating prescription drug abuse
Filed under: drug addiction help utah
In 2003, prescription drug overdose deaths in Utah outnumbered non-prescription drug overdose deaths, according to the Utah Pharmaceutical Drug Abuse Brief of February 2012. In 2006, more Utah residents died… Continue reading →
Looking to Volunteer at a Drug and Alcohol Treatment/rehabilitation Clinic?
Question by youngguy92: Looking to volunteer at a drug and alcohol treatment/rehabilitation clinic?
I am looking for some drug and alcohol treatment centers in California to volunteer for. First I am 19 going into my second year of college… Continue reading →
Washington National Cathedral Gets $5 Million Grant to Repair Damage …
Washington National Cathedral Gets Million Grant To Repair Damage …
Filed under: Drug Use Washington D.C.
But the foundation stone was not laid until September 29, 1907, kicking off Washington, D.C.'s longest-running construction project. It was completed exactly 83 years… Continue reading →
New Evidence Supports PTSD Treatment
New evidence supports PTSD treatment
Filed under: Substance Abuse Treatment
The study found that people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance abuse issues benefited from treatment involving exposure to traumatic memories, called prolonged exposure therapy, while simultaneously treating their… Continue reading →
Substance Abuse or Mental Health Counseling or Social Work?
Question by Kate: Substance abuse or mental health counseling or social work?
I plan on switching my major to substance abuse or mental health counseling or social work. I don’t know which one to choose.
Best answer:
Answer by… Continue reading →
What Degree Should I Get to Become a Substance Abuse Counselor?
Question by MEME: What degree should I get to become a substance abuse counselor?
Should I get a masters degree in psychology and specialize in substance abuse counseling? Should I get a masters in counseling and specialize in substance… Continue reading →