social work

Combating Prescription Drug Abuse

Combating prescription drug abuse

Filed under: drug addiction help utah

In 2003, prescription drug overdose deaths in Utah outnumbered non-prescription drug overdose deaths, according to the Utah Pharmaceutical Drug Abuse Brief of February 2012. In 2006, more Utah residents died… Continue reading

Looking to Volunteer at a Drug and Alcohol Treatment/rehabilitation Clinic?

Question by youngguy92: Looking to volunteer at a drug and alcohol treatment/rehabilitation clinic?
I am looking for some drug and alcohol treatment centers in California to volunteer for. First I am 19 going into my second year of college… Continue reading

Washington National Cathedral Gets $5 Million Grant to Repair Damage

Washington National Cathedral Gets Million Grant To Repair Damage

Filed under: Drug Use Washington D.C.

But the foundation stone was not laid until September 29, 1907, kicking off Washington, D.C.'s longest-running construction project. It was completed exactly 83 years… Continue reading

New Evidence Supports PTSD Treatment

New evidence supports PTSD treatment

Filed under: Substance Abuse Treatment

The study found that people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance abuse issues benefited from treatment involving exposure to traumatic memories, called prolonged exposure therapy, while simultaneously treating their… Continue reading

Substance Abuse or Mental Health Counseling or Social Work?

Question by Kate: Substance abuse or mental health counseling or social work?
I plan on switching my major to substance abuse or mental health counseling or social work. I don’t know which one to choose.

Best answer:

Answer by… Continue reading

What Degree Should I Get to Become a Substance Abuse Counselor?

Question by MEME: What degree should I get to become a substance abuse counselor?
Should I get a masters degree in psychology and specialize in substance abuse counseling? Should I get a masters in counseling and specialize in substance… Continue reading