social work

Pharmacy-Made Pregnancy Drug Under Scrutiny After Meningitis Outbreak

Pharmacy-made pregnancy drug under scrutiny after meningitis outbreak

Filed under: drug treatment programs washington dc

Neither the federal agency that oversees state Medicaid programs, the state Medicaid directors association, the drug manufacturer or doctors' groups could say how many state… Continue reading

Black Eyed Peas Star Fergie Confesses to Drug Past

Black Eyed Peas Star Fergie Confesses To Drug Past

Filed under: addiction help chat

Black Eyed Peas star Fergie has confessed to struggling with a drug addiction in the past, in a candid interview with chat show host Oprah Winfrey.… Continue reading

What Jobs Are Available for Social Worker Degrees?

Question by jessica: what jobs are available for social worker degrees?
Once you earn a degree in social work, what jobs can a person get with that degree?

Best answer:

Answer by Chips
try volunteer work: Every 3.6 seconds… Continue reading

Increasing Number of College Students Battle Mental-Health Issues

Increasing number of college students battle mental-health issues

Filed under: drug treatment programs in west virginia

University of Charleston Director of Athletics Bren Stevens doesn't know why college students struggle with mental-health issues and substance abuse more today than they… Continue reading

Colo. Bid to Legalize Marijuana Leads in Polls

Colo. bid to legalize marijuana leads in polls

Filed under: drug addiction

However, Jonathan Singer, a former social worker and drug counselor who has seen the effects of drug abuse up close, says most people who use marijuana do so… Continue reading

Steppingstone Substance Abuse Program to Work With Male Offenders

Steppingstone substance abuse program to work with male offenders

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association

All of those programs are an arm of Steppingstone, which also offers transitional housing, drug addiction treatment, case management and more. The Outpatient Department …… Continue reading