national drug control

EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES CORP : Edwards Lifesciences Forecasts Strong

EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES CORP : Edwards Lifesciences Forecasts Strong

Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

"We are investing aggressively to drive breakthrough innovations in heart valve treatment and to build on our legacy as a trusted partner in the… Continue reading

Project Prevention Founder Barbara Harris Pays Addicts to Get Sterilized

Project Prevention Founder Barbara Harris Pays Addicts to Get Sterilized

Filed under: drug addiction

Drug and alcohol addicts, despite their lifestyle, have another incentive not to have kids: $ 300. Project Prevention, an American charity organization, pays addicts $ 300… Continue reading

Can Doing a Lot of Drugs Effect My Singing Abilities?

Question by Penny C: can doing a lot of drugs effect my singing abilities?
I’ve been into the whole ‘drug scene’ for a while now and have noticed my lack of motivation, and also my voice has weakened. I… Continue reading

Becker Challenger: Judges Should Show 'dispassion'

Becker challenger: Judges should show 'dispassion'

Filed under: drug abuse help in delaware

Becker, who lives in Stamford, was elected to the position in 2002. His major accomplishment was the establishment of the Delaware County Drug Court, he said. It… Continue reading

Health Department to Implement Drug Free Communities Grant

Health department to implement drug free communities grant

Filed under: Drug Abuse Washington D.C.

The grant awarded by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) will, according to released material, allow the Scioto Drug Action Team to expand efforts… Continue reading

New Study on Atheism and Drug Abuse?

Question by BK: New Study on Atheism and Drug Abuse?
According to a joint study conducted by the National Institute of Drug Abuse and Harvard, 90% of those who abuse drugs are likely to be Atheist.

How do Atheists… Continue reading