law enforcement

Program Sounds Warning on Area Drug Addiction

Program sounds warning on area drug addiction
While law enforcement and medical professionals are doing their best to address the damage done by drug addiction and abuse in Athens County, according to Sheriff Pat Kelly, they could use some help… Continue reading

How Drug Addiction in Punjab Is Lowering Sex Drives and Pushing Up the Divorce Rate

How drug addiction in Punjab is lowering sex drives and pushing up the divorce rate
Pubjab’s drug-addict youngsters just can’t get no satisfaction. Areas of the state particularly notorious for drug consumption have been witnessing a mercurial rise in the… Continue reading

Program Sounds Warning on Area Drug Addiction – Athens NEWS

Program sounds warning on area drug addiction – Athens NEWS

Program sounds warning on area drug addiction
Athens NEWS
While law enforcement and medical professionals are doing their best to address the damage done by drug addiction and abuse in… Continue reading

Southwest Florida Congressman Stands by Claim His Substance Abuse Never Affected Congressional Duties

Southwest Florida Congressman stands by claim his substance abuse never affected congressional duties
WASHINGTON D.C. – Embattled Southwest Florida congressman Trey Radel is standing by his claim that his substance abuse never affected what he’s done in Congress. “My use… Continue reading

Welcome Aid in Drug-Abuse Fight; Court Deal Brings Long-Needed Funds – Lexington Herald Leader

Welcome aid in drug-abuse fight; court deal brings long-needed funds – Lexington Herald Leader

Lexington Herald Leader
Welcome aid in drugabuse fight; court deal brings long-needed funds
Lexington Herald Leader
long-needed funds. January 8, 2014. 2014-01-08T00:57:44Z. Facebook… Continue reading

Treatment for Drug War Addicts – Drug WarRant

Treatment for drug war addicts – Drug WarRant

Treatment for drug war addicts
Drug WarRant
How do we create a “safe space” for both our political and law enforcement leaders to publicly acknowledge what most admit behind closed doors, which… Continue reading