law enforcement

Christopher Mark Kudela: Drug Addicts Miss Out on Life’s True Beauty – Buffalo News

Christopher Mark Kudela: Drug addicts miss out on life’s true beauty – Buffalo News

Christopher Mark Kudela: Drug addicts miss out on life's true beauty
Buffalo News
Drug addiction is a choice, not a disease. People who choose to experiment… Continue reading

Kevin Lake on His Book OFF SWITCH, Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, the Philippines, PTSD and More

Kevin Lake on his book OFF SWITCH, alcoholism and substance abuse, the Philippines, PTSD and more
Kevin Lake, author of OFF SWITCH, talks with The PTSD Retreat Radio Talk Show about his book and PTSD. This is an amazing individual… Continue reading

Wonkbook: 50 Years After March on Washington, What Do We Have to Show for It?

Wonkbook: 50 years after March on Washington, what do we have to show for it?
“[I]n a speech Wednesday commemorating the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, Obama returned to those rhetorical roots — tying the fight for equal… Continue reading

Is the Ypsilanti Mental Institution Still Standing?

Question by Amriel: is the Ypsilanti mental institution still standing?
is it still standing? i mean would we be able to get in? if not, is their any other abandoned mental institutions that are still standing and that are open… Continue reading

Glee Actor's Death Typical of Those Struggling With Emotional Issues Say

Glee Actor's Death Typical of Those Struggling With Emotional Issues Say
The healing centre's Director and holistic therapy advocate, Mr. David Godden remarks, "Our sympathies go out to Cory's family and friends; perhaps his untimely death will awaken others… Continue reading

Marijuana Industry Begs to Be Taxed – AllGov

Marijuana Industry Begs to be Taxed – AllGov

Marijuana Industry Begs to be Taxed
Two members of the U.S. House, Democrats Earl Blumenauer of Oregon and Jared Polis of Colorado, have introduced a bill that would decriminalize marijuana and… Continue reading