Suboxone, an Addiction Treatment Drug, Seeps Into Ohio Prisons as Contraband – Plain Dealer
Suboxone, an addiction treatment drug, seeps into Ohio prisons as contraband – Plain Dealer
Suboxone, an addiction treatment drug, seeps into Ohio prisons as contraband Plain Dealer suboxone.JPG Suboxone is an addiction treatment medication that satisfies the brain's hunger… Continue reading |
FDA Beefs Up Pain-Drug Warnings in Face of Abuse Epidemic – Fox News
FDA beefs up pain-drug warnings in face of abuse epidemic – Fox News
WWLP 22News |
FDA beefs up pain-drug warnings in face of abuse epidemic Fox News The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has proposed stronger safety language on… Continue reading |
FDA Beefs Up Pain-Drug Warnings in Face of Abuse Epidemic – Reuters
FDA beefs up pain-drug warnings in face of abuse epidemic – Reuters
FDA beefs up pain-drug warnings in face of abuse epidemic Reuters "The FDA is invoking its authority to require safety labeling changes and postmarket studies to combat… Continue reading |
NORML Update: Washington, DC Vigil for the Victims of the Drug War
NORML Update: Washington, DC Vigil for the Victims of the Drug War – On June 17th, the 40th anniversary of Nixon’s declaration of a war on drugs, our friends at SSDP, DPA, NORML, ASA, and others got together to…
Internet Addiction Sufferers to Be Treated at Country's First Inpatient …
Internet Addiction Sufferers To Be Treated At Country's First Inpatient …
"[Internet addiction] is a problem in this country that can be more pervasive than alcoholism," Dr. Kimberly Young, the psychologist who founded the program told Fox News. "The Internet… Continue reading
Washington- Latin American States Seek ‘Drug War’ Review
Washington- Latin American states seek ‘drug war’ review
The leaders of several Latin American countries want an international review of drug policies. The issue was brought to the centre of international attention…
M&A activity up among nonprofits
It's a… Continue reading