drug war

Treatment for Drug War Addicts – Drug WarRant

Treatment for drug war addicts – Drug WarRant

Treatment for drug war addicts
Drug WarRant
How do we create a “safe space” for both our political and law enforcement leaders to publicly acknowledge what most admit behind closed doors, which… Continue reading

Rob Ford Confesses to All Manner of Vices, but Will Not Resign – the Economist

Rob Ford confesses to all manner of vices, but will not resign – The Economist

Toronto Star
Rob Ford confesses to all manner of vices, but will not resign
The Economist
AFTER months of denying allegations that he had smoked… Continue reading

Is Crack Back? – ABC News

Is Crack Back? – ABC News

ABC News
Is Crack Back?
ABC News
In 2012, 1.6 million Americans used all forms of cocaine, including crack, according to the latest statistics by the federal government's Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services… Continue reading

What Are Some Current Events About Man’s Inhumanity to Man?

Question by Angel: What are some current events about man’s inhumanity to man?

Best answer:

Answer by Eric hates scammers
`When our elected officials use the fruits of the struggling working man on unwise endeavors that don’t represent the needs… Continue reading

Population of Female Inmates Grows at Local Prisons

Population of Female Inmates Grows at Local Prisons
“When the drug war expanded, there was new potential for rounding them up and sending them to prison … according to the state’s records and public statements. “Our female population peaked in… Continue reading

DOJ Ok With Marijuana Laws in Washington & Colorado

DOJ Ok With Marijuana Laws In Washington & Colorado
“The United States government took a historic step back from its long-running drug war on Thursday, when Attorney General Eric Holder informed the governors …