'America'S Longest War': New Film Documents Damage Done by America's War …
'America's Longest War': New Film Documents Damage Done By America's War …
Filed under: drug rehab facilities
"America's Longest War" — put out by the Reason Foundation, a self-proclaimed public policy think tank — chronicles how, over the past 40… Continue reading
Why Should Drug Addicts Be Placed in Hospitals Instead of Prisons?
Question by maria17: Why should drug addicts be placed in hospitals instead of prisons?
I need pros for why drug addicts should be placed in hospitals instead of prisons. I need FACTS. It’s for a 5 paragraph paper. PLEASE… Continue reading
Norway Government Wants to Decriminalize Heroin Smoking
Norway Government Wants to Decriminalize Heroin Smoking
Filed under: drug rehab treatment centers drug alcohol
According to the Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research (SIRUS), heroin overdoses accounted for 30% of 262 fatal overdoses in 2011. By comparison, only… Continue reading
As Deadly Mexican Cartel Loses Control, Heroin and Meth Trafficking Rise
As Deadly Mexican Cartel Loses Control, Heroin and Meth Trafficking Rise
Filed under: drug rehab centers
Coahuila's largest city, Torreon, has seen enough rising violence for El Manana to label it “the most violent of Mexico,” with numerous attacks in… Continue reading
Orlando Doctor Fined $10000, Placed on 20 Years' Probation in Pill Case
Orlando doctor fined 000, placed on 20 years' probation in pill case
Filed under: drug abuse treatment plan
Roman Mosai, 64, one of the first doctors arrested in a prescription drug-abuse crackdown by the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation, is expected… Continue reading