Call to Get Help With Addiction – Hope Haven in Madison, WI
Call to Get Help with Addiction – Hope Haven in Madison, WI
Call (608) 251-8881 now for help with addiction. Hope Haven has provided effective and affordable alcohol and drug treatment since 1973. We have two resident…
Was Darryl Strawberry Hospitalized Between 2001-5? if So, Why?
Question by JUDITH G: Was Darryl Strawberry hospitalized between 2001-5? If so, why?
Best answer:
Answer by mpasnick
He had prostate cancer. He also battled drug addiction and did some jail time. Here is a recap:
* On April 3,… Continue reading
How Does the Drug Program Work Inside Federal Prison?
Question by Chrystal B: How does the drug program work inside federal prison?
Best answer:
Substance Abuse Treatment
In Fiscal Year 1989, the Bureau of Prisons designed a comprehensive substance abuse treatment strategy in an effort to… Continue reading
Teen Drug and Alcohol Abuse Essay?
Question by Brooke: Teen drug and alcohol abuse essay?
I have to do a problem/solution essay for school and I’ve decided it’s going to be on teen drug & alcohol abuse- And I need help. I can’t figure out three… Continue reading
US Military and Drug Rehab?
Question by JBL: US Military and Drug Rehab?
Has anyone ever heard of anyone entering the military with a past of drug rehab and if so how did they do it and do you have any advice on what branch… Continue reading
Therapist Says Southwest Virginia’s Drug, Mental Health Problems Are Extensive
Therapist says Southwest Virginia’s drug, mental health problems are extensive
After more than a decade of observing firsthand individuals’ struggles with substance abuse and mental … Health Leadership Development Program in Washington, D.C., sponsored by the Substances Abuse and Mental… Continue reading