Crowded Prisons, Unions, and California Three Strikes: Why We Can't Just Build …
Crowded Prisons, Unions, and California Three Strikes: Why We Can't Just Build …
Filed under: drug treatment programs in florida for felons
More than 3,500 Third Strikers were sentenced for a non-violent, non-serious crime, and of these, more than 1,300… Continue reading
Several Drugs Can Dramatically Increase Recovery Rates, but Many Patients …
Several drugs can dramatically increase recovery rates, but many patients …
Filed under: drug rehab
Otherwise, it's like “going to an oncology center and getting prescribed a macrobiotic diet instead of chemotherapy,” says Willenbring, who is the founder and CEO… Continue reading
Buena Park Police to Participate in Drug Take-Back
Buena Park Police to participate in drug take-back
Filed under: drug abuse articles
The following information was released by Buena Park Police Department. The Buena Park Police Department is partnering with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DAE) to give the… Continue reading
Study: Heroin Up Among Young, White Users in Illinois
Study: Heroin up among young, white users in Illinois
Filed under: drug rehab centers in illinois
The study, released today by the Illinois Consortium on Drug Policy, reported that between 2008 and 2010, heroin-related emergency room visits increased 27 percent… Continue reading
Is It Time to End the War on Drugs?
Question by : Is it time to end the war on drugs?
How can we win the war on drugs in the streets, when we can’t even win it in our prisons?
“People are always trying to smuggle drugs… Continue reading
Drug Rehab Centers in Florida?
Question by jgroover85: Drug Rehab Centers in Florida?
I need to find a Inpatient Drug Rehab Program that has a payment program or price goes by your income. I have absolutely NO INSURANCE and i am not rich so… Continue reading