Education Project Gives Students a Step Up
Education project gives students a step up
Filed under: drug abuse help for parents
Students attending Open Book's classes range from ex-offenders to those with a history of drug and alcohol addiction, childhood abuse and mental health issues. … She… Continue reading
Community Calendar Week of 6-20-13
Community Calendar Week of 6-20-13
Filed under: drug abuse treatment association inc June 23. B-Town's Recovering Youth in Motion Recovery Night—Burien Library Multipurpose Room, 4:30-7 p.m. Open to youth 13 to 25 recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. Music,… Continue reading
Black Sabbath to Release New Album, Embark on World Tour
Black Sabbath to release new album, embark on world tour
Filed under: drug addiction help washington
“I never thought we'd still be going strong in 2013,” said Osbourne, whose solo career and well-publicized battles with drug and alcohol addiction led… Continue reading
You Are Here
You are here
Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers
Domestic Violence Intervention Program: Women's group, a resource and legal advocate program, meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday; call Paula at 782-3993 or Jackie at 782-1119 for location. Drug and Alcohol… Continue reading
Common-Sense Drug Addiction Treatment Needed
Common-sense drug addiction treatment needed
Filed under: drug abuse treatment
No wonder we're losing the war against drug abuse. The pushers are more organized than efforts to wean addicts away from their deadly wares. It is appropriate that Ohio's Medicaid… Continue reading
Drug May Aid in Alcohol Dependence, but Safety Concerns Linger
Drug May Aid in Alcohol Dependence, but Safety Concerns Linger
Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse
"Varenicline does appear to help reduce drinking in alcohol-dependent individuals, at least in some of them," lead investigator Raye Z. Litten, PhD, associate director… Continue reading