drug addiction rehab

Area Support Groups

Area support groups

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab

Go to www.nar-anon.org for more information. Call (731) 335-5333 for more information. Narconon is a non-profit public benefit organization which helps people with drug addictions. For more information, call (800) 556-8885. …… Continue reading

Doctors Agree to Stop Prescribing Narcotics

Doctors agree to stop prescribing narcotics

Filed under: drug addiction treatment indiana

Both doctors will continue to be able to write prescriptions for the synthetic opiate buprenorphine, brand name Suboxone, provided the drug is used to treat opiate addiction, and… Continue reading

Thousands of Region's Residents Could Get Drug Treatment With Overhaul

Thousands of Region's Residents Could Get Drug Treatment with Overhaul

Filed under: free drug abuse treatment

Maryland currently has an estimated 423,000 people who need treatment for substance abuse, also about 9 percent of the population, the federal Substance Abuse… Continue reading

Narconon International Pledges Wholehearted Support for Rx Drug Abuse

Narconon International Pledges Wholehearted Support for Rx Drug Abuse

Filed under: drug rehabilitation centers

Narconon is an international network of drug rehabilitation and prevention programs. At the Summit held 2-4 April, luminaries involved in this fight presented successful approaches… Continue reading

As State, County Mull Marijuana Laws, Project SAM Seeks Smart Approaches

As state, county mull marijuana laws, Project SAM seeks smart approaches

Filed under: drug addiction treatment in florida

Patrick Kennedy, of Rhode Island, and Kevin Sabet, who also is director of the University of Florida's Drug Policy Institute. During a… Continue reading

Alcohol Usage Reported Low, Still Widespread Health Problem

Alcohol usage reported low, still widespread health problem

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse

Lisa Laitman, director for the Alcohol and Other Drug Assistance Program at the University, said drinking and substance abuse numbers are consistent throughout the Northeast. The… Continue reading