More Americans Are Failing Drug Tests
More Americans are Failing Drug Tests
Filed under: drug addiction help substance abuse
"Experts also point out that a positive drug test may not necessarily be the result of a substance abuse problem," writes the WSJ, which offers the example… Continue reading
TPD Receives Grant to Fight Prescription Drug Abuse
TPD receives grant to fight prescription drug abuse
Filed under: prescription drug addiction help
The grant's purpose is to help address prescription drug diversion and to put resources in the hands of law enforcement to help combat prescription drug abuse… Continue reading
What Are the Negative Aspects of Gambling?
Question by Jay Edgar: What are the negative aspects of gambling?
I am doing a project on the negative aspects of gambling and i need a lot of sources to help me support my opinion. also i would really… Continue reading
Phoenix Suns' Michael Beasley Arrested in Scottsdale in Drug Possession
Phoenix Suns' Michael Beasley arrested in Scottsdale in drug possession
Filed under: free drug addiction help
Beasley has a history of drug abuse but claimed to have learned his lesson when he signed a three year, $ 18-million contract with… Continue reading
Kentucky Fails to Collect 6000-Plus DNA Samples From Felons as Required by Law
Kentucky fails to collect 6000-plus DNA samples from felons as required by law
Filed under: drug addiction help in louisville ky
Brown said he would not speculate on what might have happened, but he emphasized that “the vast majority” of… Continue reading