Northern Highlands Students Hear Firsthand Warnings About Drug Addiction [Video] –
Northern Highlands students hear firsthand warnings about drug addiction – |
Northern Highlands students hear firsthand warnings about drug addiction Kristen, 25, and Patricia, 21, of Bergen County, talked to students at Northern Highlands Regional High School on… Continue reading |
Christians: What Would Jesus Do in This Situation?
Question by blue moon: Christians: What would Jesus do in this situation?
Basically my best friend is a drug addict and hes in jail and is still using drugs in there as well which I just found out. Should I… Continue reading
Why Drug Addiction Is So Huge in Ireland?
Question by YaroElf: Why Drug Addiction Is So Huge In Ireland?
Just simple curiosity…
I stumbled upon an article from some Irish website that claimed that in 2011 80% of
Irish drink beer daily or once in two days. An… Continue reading
Ohio to Require Reporting of Drug-Addicted Babies – WLWT Cincinnati
Ohio to require reporting of drug-addicted babies – WLWT Cincinnati
Ohio to require reporting of drug–addicted babies WLWT Cincinnati Supporters say tracking the number of drug–addicted babies will help the state monitor Ohio's progress in fighting… Continue reading |
Watson: Treating Drug Addiction Needs Less Stigma
Watson: Treating drug addiction needs less stigma
It is a well-known pattern: experiment with a variety of Vicodin, Adderall … (suboxone), or vivitrol (a 28-day shot) is sometimes effective. Those drugs either activate the pleasure receptors mildly — thereby managing… Continue reading
Headkrack’s Hip Hop Spot: Kid Cudi Pt 1 (Talks Need for Speed and Overcoming His Drug Addiction)
Headkrack’s Hip Hop Spot: Kid Cudi Pt 1 (Talks Need For Speed and overcoming his drug addiction)
Headkrack’s Hip Hop Spot is in the studio to catch up with rapper and actor Kid Cudi on the new movie Need for… Continue reading