Kansas Drug Disposal Program Collects 6000 Pounds of Medications in First Year
Kansas drug disposal program collects 6000 pounds of medications in first year
Filed under: willard drug treatment center
KDHE officials said hope to double the number of locations within the next year and plan to initiate an awareness campaign within… Continue reading
Tobacco-Related Illnesses Will Cost You Shs 5m Every 3 Weeks
Tobacco-related illnesses will cost you Shs 5m every 3 weeks
Filed under: drug addiction treatment statistics
This is treated using chemotherapy, with anti-cancer drugs injected into the vein or taken orally. “We administer … by the Centre for Addiction and… Continue reading
Is It Legal to Film Police in London?
Is it Legal to Film Police in London?
Filed under: drug addiction treatment act 2000
As they exited a subway ('Tube') station, Fred was stopped by officers from London's Metropolitan Police and searched for drugs–a procedure called 'stop and search'… Continue reading
How Do I Become a Counselor?
Question by : How do i become a counselor?
I would like to be a therapist or counselor for people with drug addictions, family matters, domestic violence or something of that sort. What kind of schooling does that require?
Best… Continue reading
Indiana Child Deaths Surge in 1st Year of Hotline – WANE.com
Indiana child deaths surge in 1st year of hotline – WANE.com
Filed under: drug addiction hotline
There is no one reason for the increase, but DCS officials note that many of the cases involve common factors: a child left in… Continue reading