Arlinghaus Seeks State Funding for Detox Centers
Arlinghaus seeks state funding for detox centers
Filed under: drug addiction treatment statistics
Mac McArthur, executive director of Transitions Inc., a non-profit that's provided life-saving substance abuse treatment to Northern Kentuckians since 1969, says Kenton County's statistics on numbers incarcerated… Continue reading
Wasn't That a Party?
Wasn't that a party?
Filed under: drug abuse help for parents
Re: St. Petersburg Pride parade met with violence, June 30. I grew up in a time where … In times of uncertainty, it is easier for governments to foment… Continue reading
You Are Here
You are here
Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers
Domestic Violence Intervention Program: Women's group, a resource and legal advocate program, meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday; call Paula at 782-3993 or Jackie at 782-1119 for location. Drug and Alcohol… Continue reading
The Persistent Problem of Domestic Violence in China
The Persistent Problem of Domestic Violence in China
Filed under: drug rehab treatment- lowering the drinking age
A survey conducted by the All-China Women's Federation found that domestic violence in China takes place predominantly in rural areas, in young families… Continue reading
Video: Increase of Drug Users Post Egyptian Revolution
Video: Increase of drug users post Egyptian revolution
Filed under: addiction help hotline
“We, as the Fund for Drug Control and Addiction Treatment, have put in place a plan to help Egypt face the drug problem, with the co-operation of… Continue reading
Erica Lord: Young Victims Not Alone
Erica Lord: Young victims not alone
Filed under: free drug abuse help
We give the tools, resources and support to kids and their parents or guardians to stay drug free, strengthen their familial ties and keep them in school. I… Continue reading