Deborah Yetter | Child Abuse Cases Need Openness
Deborah Yetter | Child abuse cases need openness
Filed under: drug addiction help in louisville ky
Many come from homes marred by poverty, drug abuse and domestic violence. And about half already have come to the attention of child protection… Continue reading
Is There a Value in Incrementalism?
Is there a value in incrementalism?
Filed under: drug addiction quotes
… to the war on drugs. Those are the ones who's quotes about scientific studies never go beyond the last dusty research conclusion from the Governments bought and paid… Continue reading
Psychiatric Association Approves Changes to Diagnostic Manual
Psychiatric association approves changes to diagnostic manual
Filed under: drug abuse definition
Geraldine Dawson, chief science officer for Autism Speaks, said she was worried some people would be excluded by the new definitions and not receive the services they need.… Continue reading
Englander E-News: LAFD, Toys, Holiday Express, and More …
Englander E-News: LAFD, Toys, Holiday Express, and More …
Filed under: christian drug rehab treatment centers
15, I met with Glenn Kirby, Senior Minister at the West Valley Christian School in West Hills. I toured the school … You can… Continue reading
Program That Helps Moms Stay Clean and Sober Recognized
Program that helps moms stay clean and sober recognized
Filed under: drug abuse help
Ross received help from MVP Health Authority's MOMS program, which seeks and supports pregnant women at risk of substance abuse to help them stay clean and… Continue reading
New Hate Crime Helpline for Thame & South Oxon
New Hate Crime Helpline for Thame & South Oxon
Filed under: 24 hour drug abuse helpline
After the drug raids in September a judge sentences another two people to prison. A 25 year old man … Stop Hate UK is… Continue reading