Faith-Based Drug and Alcohol Rehab Ministry Offers Second Chances
Faith-based drug and alcohol rehab ministry offers second chances
Filed under: drug rehabilitation
2, Heinen, 24, graduated from the 4:13 program, a faith-based drug and alcohol rehabilitation ministry that's part of Upward Community Services at the Covington church. “Tonight we… Continue reading
Tragedies Focus Attention on Sentencing Laws
Tragedies focus attention on sentencing laws
Filed under: inpatient drug rehab treatment program
Schaeffer, who prosecutors say was high on bath salts, was out on probation from burglary and robbery charges after completing a boot camp program designed to help… Continue reading
How Does Narcotics Alter Neural Connections in the Brain?
Question by im_your_boss: How does narcotics alter neural connections in the brain?
How does narcotics alter neural connections in the brain?
Best answer:
Answer by Jessie 🙂
this site does a really good job explaining
different drugs effect… Continue reading
Drug Charges Pending Against Freeland Woman
Drug charges pending against Freeland woman
Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers
Drug charges pending against Freeland woman. Charges are pending … Barletta eventually sought medical treatment hours later at Hazleton General Hospital, where she received four sutures. …… Continue reading
Drummond Lists the Top 10 Bay Area News Stories of 2012
Drummond lists the top 10 Bay Area news stories of 2012
Filed under: inpatient drug rehab centers
Student Seoyong Hong, center, places pictures of those killed in the April 2 shootings on display before a memorial concert at Oikos University… Continue reading
Through Meditation, Veterans Relearn Compassion
Through Meditation, Veterans Relearn Compassion
Filed under: drug rehab centers in nh
Marine Esteban Brojas is rocking back and forth in his chair in a rehabilitation center for veterans in Menlo Park, Calif. He rubs his hands together so quickly… Continue reading