chris christie

Rehab Addiction for Women in Boston (855) YES REHAB

Rehab Addiction For Women In Boston (855) YES REHAB
Often times, this type of self-medicating turns in to addiction. There are people who take drugs to enhance their performance, such as athletes, college stud…


DOD partners to combat brain… Continue reading

Governor Christie With Jon Bon Jovi: A Life Saved From Drug Abuse Can Be a Life Restored

Governor Christie With Jon Bon Jovi: A Life Saved From Drug Abuse Can Be A Life Restored
(Transcript Below) Governor Chris Christie: The way I really thought about this over the last number of months is as a father of… Continue reading

Is Medical Marijuana Legal in District of Columbia?

Question by Randomize: Is medical marijuana legal in district of columbia?
And if so what are the rules like for instance: can u live in virgina but still go there and get some?

Best answer:

Answer by SIF
Medical… Continue reading

Fans Have Mixed Feelings on OLTL Airing on OWN!

Fans Have Mixed Feelings on OLTL Airing on OWN!

Filed under: wow addiction help

Also, I really don't want to get “addicted” again, with the constant taping and keeping up with every episode, and I got sick of dead characters… Continue reading

Op-Ed: Legalizing Marijuana Could Reverse NJ Progress on Addiction

Op-ed: Legalizing marijuana could reverse NJ progress on addiction

Filed under: drug treatment programs nj

There are better ways to accomplish this, such as our landmark bipartisan mandatory drug court program that will allow non-violent offenders to get the treatment… Continue reading

Lindsay Lohan Won't Have Newport Rehab to Kick Around Much Longer if City

Lindsay Lohan Won't Have Newport Rehab to Kick Around Much Longer if City

Filed under: drug rehab treatment centers nj

The targeted rehabs can file challenges to Fell's preliminary findings, which come mere weeks after Lohan decided against checking… Continue reading