behavioral health

Helping People One on One, One at a Time

Helping people one on one, one at a time

Filed under: addiction help for families

Once on the road to recovery (a life-long journey) Hutchinson, who was in treatment for three years, went to business school and became a staff… Continue reading

Ernst & Young Announces Entrepreneur of the Year 2013 Award® Recipients

Ernst & Young Announces Entrepreneur Of The Year 2013 Award® Recipients

Filed under: addiction help online

Chairman Michael Cartwright has approximately 20 years of professional behavioral and behavioral health experience, having participated in 15 federally-funded studies on dual diagnoses… Continue reading

What Signs Are Most Prone to Drug Addiction?

Question by Cappychic: What signs are most prone to drug addiction?
What signs in your experience are more prone to drug addiction?From what Ive seen your rarely ever see aries or leos addicts.Most people with drug or alcohol addiction… Continue reading

Drug User Penalties Should Be Reduced, Organization of American States Says

Drug User Penalties Should Be Reduced, Organization Of American States Says

Filed under: drug addiction articles

The organization on Friday released a 200-page report advocating the decriminalization of drug use as a strategy to reduce violence associated with drug trafficking… Continue reading

Should Marijuna Be Legalized??? Why or Why Not?

Question by Jessica R: Should Marijuna be legalized??? Why or why not?
And please don’t say it is a gateway drug…The gateway drug is already legal and that is alcohol. There aren’t any potheads that smoked before they drank… Continue reading

Acupuncture Reduces Cocaine Seizures & Death – New Study – HealthCMi

Acupuncture Reduces Cocaine Seizures & Death – New Study – HealthCMi

Filed under: cocaine addiction help

Much of this research was prompted by a Yale University School of Medicine investigation on human subjects demonstrating that acupuncture is significantly effective in… Continue reading