behavioral health

Mental Health Group Helps Sandy Survivors 'Find a New Normal'

Mental Health Group Helps Sandy Survivors 'Find A New Normal'

Filed under: addiction helpline

NJ Hope and Healing is a project sponsored by the New Jersey Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Disaster and Terrorism Branch, through a FEMA… Continue reading

Williams Receives Leadership Award

Williams receives leadership award

Filed under: drug rehab treatment centers nj

New Jersey Hope and Healing is holding a community presentation to provide information on Hurricane Sandy-related topics such as new federal grants, ways to reduce stress, and resources for… Continue reading

How Am I Going to Find Substance Abuse Treatment Centers in Pennsville, New Jersey?

Question by camilla a: How am I going to find substance abuse treatment centers in Pennsville, New Jersey?
I’ve decided to do a research on various cases of prescription drug abuse. This is for a special project on a… Continue reading

Magic Realism

Magic Realism

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association inc

It can't be too hard to find a case of misuse of any health substance, including supplements, OTC and prescription drugs. Abuse of active compounds is a problem across the health… Continue reading

Where Can I Find a List of Reports, Surveys or Statistics About Alcohol and Drug Addiction?

Question by adrian: Where can I find a list of reports, surveys or statistics about alcohol and drug addiction?
I’m looking for more sources about alcohol and drug addiction because I’m finishing my homework. I really love the topic… Continue reading

What Are the Available Drug Rehabs in Broomfield, Colorado?

Question by andria d: What are the available drug rehabs in Broomfield, Colorado?
My friend is asking for help in finding a drug rehab for her. I don’t know how to start. Help please.

Best answer:

Answer by anissa… Continue reading