alcohol and drug abuse

Alcohol Usage Reported Low, Still Widespread Health Problem

Alcohol usage reported low, still widespread health problem

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse

Lisa Laitman, director for the Alcohol and Other Drug Assistance Program at the University, said drinking and substance abuse numbers are consistent throughout the Northeast. The… Continue reading

Aerobic Exercise May Protect Cognitive Abilities of Heavy Drinkers, Says CU Study

Aerobic exercise may protect cognitive abilities of heavy drinkers, says CU study

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse

The new CU-Boulder study was funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and by the National Institute on Drug… Continue reading

AR Dept. of Health Suggests Blood Tests for Patients of Deceased – KAIT

AR Dept. of Health suggests blood tests for patients of deceased – KAIT

Filed under: drug abuse help hotline

April Crow was arrested and charged with permitting the abuse of a. Paragould … JONESBORO, AR (KAIT) – The Arkansas… Continue reading

MHC Official: Demand for Services Increases as Budget Dwindles; Legislative

MHC official: Demand for services increases as budget dwindles; Legislative

Filed under: free drug abuse treatment

Reappointed Mrs. Estah D. Andrae to the Tri-County Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Board of Directors. * Reappointed the following to the… Continue reading

Peer Pressure Gone Viral, a Real Threat to Teens, Cites the New York Center

Peer Pressure Gone Viral, A Real Threat To Teens, Cites The New York Center

Filed under: teen drug abuse

NEW YORK, April 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Excessive use of social media may dramatically increase risky behavior among young… Continue reading

How Do You Feel About Drinking and Drug Abuse?

Question by Tori1315: How do you feel about drinking and drug abuse?
I am doing a alcohol and drug abuse awareness and I need people to answer the following questions:

1)How do you feel about drinking and drug abuse?… Continue reading