alcohol abuse

AUSTRALIAN HORROR STORIES – Stevie Wright in 2008 (After Much Drug/Alcohol Abuse)

AUSTRALIAN HORROR STORIES – Stevie Wright in 2008 (after much Drug/Alcohol Abuse)
AUSTRALIAN HORROR STORIES – Stevie Wright and the Easybeats…. and DRUGS http://en.wikipedia….


Southwest Florida Congressman Stands by Claim His Substance Abuse Never Affected Congressional Duties

Southwest Florida Congressman stands by claim his substance abuse never affected congressional duties
WASHINGTON D.C. – Embattled Southwest Florida congressman Trey Radel is standing by his claim that his substance abuse never affected what he’s done in Congress. “My use… Continue reading

Rocky Mountain High – the Providence Journal

Rocky Mountain high – The Providence Journal

The Providence Journal
Rocky Mountain high
The Providence Journal
Some 20 states, including Rhode Island, and the District of Columbia now permit use of the drug for medical purposes. Washington State is expected… Continue reading

Jacksonville FL 32073 Drug Rehab 888-847-0920 Call Our Hotline 24/7 for Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Jacksonville FL 32073 Drug Rehab 888-847-0920 Call Our Hotline 24/7 For Drug and Alcohol Abuse Jacksonville Florida has some of the top rated drug and alcohol rehab facilities in Florida. Taking the first step on your path…


Students’ Shifting Marijuana Views Tied to Legalization Push

Students’ Shifting Marijuana Views Tied to Legalization Push
Campaigns in individual states to legalize marijuana use may be contributing to a drop in the percentages of teenagers nationwide who see risk in regular use of the drug and to an… Continue reading

What Is the Premises and Conclusion in the Statement?

Question by : what is the premises and conclusion in the statement?
Many mental health practitioners are promoting the notion that alcohol abuse, drug abuse, over-eating, gambling, anorexia, bulimia and smoking are diseases. By using the disease model, its proponents… Continue reading