Drug Addicted Family Member?
Question by Blundt Cake: Drug addicted family member?
How do you help someone who refuses to help themselves, even when they are in/out of jail, homeless, jobless, in denial, and don’t think they have a problem???? What do you do?… Continue reading
What Is the Role of Drugs in Addiction Treatment?
Question by daphne p: What is the role of drugs in addiction treatment?
I’m just wondering what methadone is for, why it is needed for recovery.
Best answer:
Answer by aya e
The drugs are able to help restore the… Continue reading
Center for Chemical Addiction Treatment
Center for Chemical Addiction Treatment
Employee Christmas Party Flash Mob.
Oxycontin Addiction…..PLEASE HELP.?
Question by Branicle: Oxycontin Addiction…..PLEASE HELP.?
My Brother recently moved into our home with his Son to try to get clean from oxy, he has a $ 200 a day habit…. Can you tell me what can I expect, everyone… Continue reading
Addiction Recovery Testimonial- Shades of Hope Treatment Center in Texas (Crop)
Addiction Recovery Testimonial- Shades of Hope Treatment Center in Texas (crop)
Kathy talks about her addiction treatment and recovery at Shades of Hope Treatment Center in Texas. As a medical doctor, she reaches out to other working pro…
What Is Individual Therapy in Addiction Treatment
What is Individual Therapy in Addiction Treatment
Miramar drug and alcohol treatment center (888) 363-8721. http://www.miramarlagunabeach.com The purpose of individual therapy in addiction treatment is prima…