Supporters of Immigration Activist Elvira Arellano Arellano Is Calling for a National Day of Prayer Is GOD Ok?
Question by Vanessa: Supporters of immigration activist Elvira Arellano Arellano is calling for a national day of prayer is GOD ok?
With document fraud ? Supporters of immigration activist Elvira Arellano are laying out their plan of action for the next month. They are planning events in Chicago, in Congress and across the border.
The 32-year-old illegal immigrant took sanctuary in Chicago’s West side Adalberto United Methodist Church for a year. She was arrested earlier this month in Los Angeles and deported to Tijuana, Mexico shortly last weekend.
But activists where she took refuge say the battle is just beginning. Arellano is calling for a national day of prayer on September 12 — a few days after Congress reopens hearings on immigration reform.
She’ll participate in a march in Mexico, while activists hold similar rallies in Washington, D.C. and outside immigration offices in other cities. Activists insist it’s what the American people want.
“Seventy-five percent of this country is opposed to the separation of families and a small minority of hate has forced us to step away from this issue,” said Rev. Walter Coleman of Adelberto United Methodist Church.
The only person separating her family is Arellano. Why did she leave her child in America ? What is wrong with raising her child in her home country of Mexico ? Why does she not apply for Mexican citizenship for her son ? Her home country of Mexico has welcomed her with open arms. Why would she want to leave ?
Best answer:
Answer by rogerguiles
Her son is a citizen per Mexican law. If there is a march anywhere in Mexico, it’s not well known, I live in Mexico and read the papers, not a word.
I say, let em march it might help diminish there love handles.
About medical issues in Mexico, 3 weeks ago I had an eye infection so I went to a Dr. cost 2.00$ got a prescription. went to the drug store, the medicine 3.00$ , get this, the prescription is good forever, no more Dr. visits.