Still Become a Nurse After Addiction?
Question by Mike d: Still become a nurse after addiction?
I have a friend who was going to school to become a nurse. During that time and prior, she was using various drugs. Long story short is she knew it was wrong. Then, on her own behalf, turned herself into rehab to get herself cleaned up. She has since been clean and this was about two years ago.
Long story short is she regrets not becoming a nurse very much and has the idea in her head that because of rehab she cannot become a nurse, that it is against the law. However, she knows a nurse who had a problem, got cleaned up, and is still a nurse.. but something about this nurse was grandfathered in before some type of law or something. This is for New York State in case that matters.
Can anyone point me in the right direction that this is in fact a true statement and that she cannot become a nurse? She has no felonies, or anything like that on her record. All that is on her record, so she thinks, is that she went to the rehab center.
Thank you for such good feedback!
Best answer:
Answer by Ariaread
She needs to look at the NY State website, Dept of Education and the requirements for obtaining an RN license
It now is you must have a BA from a 4 yr college and 2 yr Nursing School.
Answer by akbrady88
It’s not “on your record” once you enter a rehab facility. It may be recorded on a health record, but a background check wouldn’t reveal that. It’s very commendable for your friend to recognize her weakness and addiction and seek help. It takes a strong person to do that. As far as her becoming a nurse, it’s not against the law. Some may feel like it’s not the best career choice for her considering her battle with addiction and the temptation she may face, but it’s not their decision to make. If it is a dream of hers, she is free to pursue it. She should evaluate the reasons she is choosing this career, and if she thinks it will jeopardize her sobriety, it wouldn’t be a wise decision. I personally think she should go for it. Her life experience and drive may prove to be very beneficial. Best of luck to her.
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