Population of Female Inmates Grows at Local Prisons
Population of Female Inmates Grows at Local Prisons
“When the drug war expanded, there was new potential for rounding them up and sending them to prison … according to the state’s records and public statements. “Our female population peaked in August 2008 (at 3,082) and then started declining … drug abuse washington d.c. – Bing News
Senator Tolman participates in drug abuse forum in Washington D.C.
On Wednesday, Sept. 22, Senator Steven Tolman testified before the Congressional Caucus on Prescription Drug Abuse in Washington D.C. about the epidemic of prescription drug abuse in Massachusetts, and specifically about the need for an interstate … drug abuse washington d.c. – Bing News
Prescription drug abuse dangerous, even fatal
Staff from consumer protection, the state department of public health and other agencies traveled to Washington, D.C., to discuss possible solutions to this particular drug problem. Gadea said Connecticut has long looked at ways to prevent abuse. drug abuse washington d.c. – Bing News