Mixing Energy Drinks and Alcohol Is Risky Business
Mixing Energy Drinks and Alcohol Is Risky Business
Filed under: symptoms of drug addiction
When alcohol is mixed with them, the dangers are even higher. Research shows that drinking alcohol and caffeine together can make a person less aware of how drunk they are, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).
Read more on Healthline (blog)
Wrist Sensor Tells You How Stressed Out You Are David Talbot
Filed under: symptoms of drug addiction
“Previously, treaters had to rely on the patients' subjective memory for the week, or weeks, between appointments as their sole measure of anxiety symptoms,” Dougherty says. The device “provides moment-to-moment objective data regarding a … Picard …
Read more on MIT Technology Review (blog)
MDs warned against giving ADD drugs to healthy people
Filed under: symptoms of drug addiction
Forlini and her co-authors argue there are several reasons why doctors should avoid prescribing ADD drugs to patients who do not have symptoms of attention deficit disorder or related conditions. For one, it is unclear whether the medications confer …
Read more on Globe and Mail
Newtown Shooting Put Spotlight on US Mental Health Care — Again
Filed under: symptoms of drug addiction
One in five American adults reported suffering from mental illness within the past year, with one in 20 reporting serious mental illness that resulted in "functional impairment," according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services …
Read more on ABC News
Welcome to my nightmare Dec. 2011 to Jan.2012 – www.youtube.com The Heroin Diaries — Nikki Sixx www.aa.org www.silkworth.net www.hazelden.org www.na.org www.suboxone.com http alcohol AA Alcoholics Anonymous “Disease (Organization Sector)” drug abuse use suboxone withdrawal soberness sober sobriety 24 hours day teen drinking smoking addiction substance teens adolescents drugs mental health illness condition Health Videos Medical Video medicine physical science advice video illumi stream signs of rehab symptoms recovery anger therapy.
From Twitter:
@rfc884 thats because alcohol or drug addiction are just symptoms of the disease ** – by shea_mae (shea)
From Twitter:
Signs & Symptoms of #Alcoholism & #Drug #Addiction #xa
http://t.co/Ckj5HmSZ – by WatershedCares (The Watershed)
From Twitter:
RT @ondrugaddiction: How Blocking Memories Could Relieve Symptoms of PTSD and Avoid #Drug Relapses –
http://t.co/iIfp162s – by drugsreport (Drugs Report)