Marijuana Industry Eager to Pay Taxes – the Idaho Statesman

Marijuana industry eager to pay taxes – The Idaho Statesman

McClatchy Washington Bureau

Marijuana industry eager to pay taxes
The Idaho Statesman
Some warn that if Congress doesn't treat pot sellers like other businesses, state plans to tax and regulate marijuana for recreational use in Washington state and Colorado are doomed to fail when they start next year. “How can you “There's just so
Marijuana industry eager to pay taxes – and cash in on deductionsKansas City Star

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drug abuse washington d.c. – Google News

Delegate requests inquiry into meth ingredient – Charleston Gazette

Delegate requests inquiry into meth ingredient
Charleston Gazette
Morrisey, a former Washington, D.C., lobbyist for drug companies, received campaign contributions from pharmaceutical executives and political action committees across the U.S. His wife, Denise Henry, is a lobbyist for Cardinal Health, the nation's

drug abuse washington d.c. – Google News

Former Marine to judge: ‘I look like a monster’ – Burlington Times News

Burlington Times News

Former Marine to judge: 'I look like a monster'
Burlington Times News
GRAHAM — If he can stay clean after prison, Ruben Noel Torres might find a career warning kids away from drugs. Eloquently and without self-pity, he spoke to a superior court judge at length Monday about losing his wife and child, his military career

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drug abuse washington d.c. – Google News