Making Johns Pay for Picking Up Prostitutes?

Question by jessica r: making johns pay for picking up prostitutes?
i think what they should do is when they catch a john picking up a prostitue .is to seaze there cars and make them pay a 10.000 fine .then with the money form that .have it set in a fund for a help center to get them women off the street and rehab for drug addictions what do you think?

Best answer:

Answer by tentofield
Why? People who pick up prostitutes do pay – they pay the prostitute. Such a transaction is nobody’s business but those involved. The law should have no say in it and prostitution should not be illegal. Those countries in which prostitution is legal have far fewer problems than those where it is illegal and the prostitutes have the protection of the law as well.

Answer by Bibs
In my town they some very good looking women police officers as decoys to catch the Johns.

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