Is There a Movie That Completely Changed the Way You Looked at Something?

Question by perks67: Is there a Movie that completely changed the way you looked at something?
I just saw Requiem for a Dream, and it completely changed the way I view Drugs and addiction. Are there any movies that changed the way you look at something? What are some movies that changed the way you looked at something, and what did they change?

Best answer:

Answer by Erin
My all time favorite movie, It’s called “Stay” It…moved me. It morphed me into a completely different person. I was depressed when I saw this movie, and it just changed the way I looked at death and everything. It had a huge impact on my life and I would suggest you see it.
It changed the way I looked at love, life, happiness, depression. And probably just everything in general. If you want to watch it, go on

Answer by hot
Fight Club…sir

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