Is Someone Who Abuses Food to the Point of Negative Health Effects Equal to Someone Who Abuses Drugs*?

Question by Anonymous: Is someone who abuses food to the point of negative health effects equal to someone who abuses drugs*?
*alcohol is included as a drug.

If both food and drug abuse can cause health problems that can lead to financial stress, should they not be regulated equally?
Excessively obese persons can negatively affect those around them, just as heavy drug abusers can.
Those who use drugs in moderation can actually have health benefits, much as those who eat food in moderation.

Should we make food illegal?

Best answer:

Answer by angela
“Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?”

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Drug prevention, marijuana facts for teens – Drug prevention, teens explain how marijuana was addictive, a habbit forming drug, created a dependence on the drug needing more of the drug to get the same effects, caused short term memory loss, caused schizophrenia, effected their learning ability, and was harmful. some of those teens who used marijuana went on to use other drugs. Copyright Inside Dope.