How Much Is One Joint Worth?

Question by Brad: how much is one joint worth?
I suggest that you can buy beer and cigarettes inside the local 7-11 and crack cocaine and marijuana outside. This means for all the $ spent and effort, it simply isn’t working. It’s time to rethink US drug policy.

Look, I don’t want my minor children to have sex, and I teach them openly about rights and responsibilities, but that doesn’t mean I pretend that I don’t have sex or want you to tell me what i can or cannot do. i also enjoy Jack Daniels or for that matter VooDoo beer; but I don’t give it to my children and would harm anyone who would.

Glue, gasoline and Pam spray are all legal to buy even though you can huff them to get high while doing tremendous damage to yourself. Same is true for tobacco and alcohol. Why do we insist on having some weeds/chemicals legal to smoke/use and others not?

I do not use any illegal substances or recommend them, but I think it’s time we reconsider our national policies. We need to be pragmatic and honest. So far this prohibition thing isn’t working and there is no sign of that changing ever.

“PROTECT THE CHILDREN!” they will scream and I will say, ‘I agree!’
Just as we do with cigarettes and alcohol. If we clear out the jails of “victimless criminals” then we will have plenty of room to keep real criminals in there for much longer. And that means, people who sell or give controlled substances to kids should stay in jail until they are dead.

It’s day 14 and so far this year we’ve spent $ 2 billion dollars on .

Bush spent nearly 2.4 trillion on the war on drugs in 8 years; that means 1.5 years of your personal income taxes, out of the last 8, paid for this war.

Half of all corrupt police officers are involved in drug offenses.

The cost per day of stay in prison is $ 67.55 (see item 7 on the link)

Marijuana as a top cash crop in the US at over $ 35 billion (2006)

what do you think? (before you answer, undertsand that i have never used any illegal drugs. that’s less than clinton, bush and obama.)
thank you John, and i agree. i would prefer we spend time educating to curb demand than stop the supply. if we spend, we should spend wisely.

Best answer:

Answer by Kim in Florida
about a few 100 brain cells…

Answer by John V
I agree that using these harmful drugs should not be illegal from a pragmatic and ethical viewpoint. I do not have any problem with legalizing the sale of marijuana. However, I do not think the use of crack cocaine, PCP and other narcotics are beneficial to members of society. Although criminalizing their use is counter productive in a lot of circumstances, the outright general acceptance of it in mainstream society would be worse (in my opinion).

Ideal conditions = Better meds
pretty much self explanatory,and not to difficult to achieve… if you can cook an egg………


One Response to How Much Is One Joint Worth?

  • AJ says:

    I am a recovering addict. I speak as an addict and an officer of the law. I strongly believe that this is a waste of money to fight this war. My chief even stated the only way to win is to legalize it. I hate to say, but it just seems about right. If it were legalized, it would profit our nation because it would be a taxable sale, it would also be safer because it would be made by pharmaceutical companies (as far as the crack and meth, etc. go). As far as marijuana, well, it would be grown better. As far as marijuana not being addicted as one of the other posters said, I totally disagree. My ex husband was addicted to it, had to go to rehab for it, as well as the majority of the people I was in rehab with were addicted to marijuana. I, myself, have no use for marijuana. I never liked it. That’s just me. I know there are plenty of people who do. To each their own. Now, for you, I am so happy that you have never touched anything. What a strong person you are. Good job. I pray your kids never do. I pray my kids never do. It has torn them apart to know that I am an addict. I say that I am an addict although I am in recovery for one reason: Once an addict, always an addict. I still smoke, don’t drink though. I can’t get rid of all my demons at once. Working on it though. To answer your question in the beginning “How much is one joint worth?” Far too much to really account for. I once paid near $ 2000 for my ex husband to get out of jail for just ONE JOINT. Plus his rehab. Now, that is the monetary value. Let me answer the way I really want to! The price of one joint means delayed reactions, which if driving, you could kill a whole family in a passing car. Is it worth it? Yes, to all you for legalizing marijuana, people have killed others, whether it be intentional or unintentional, while smoking or shortly after smoking pot. A very good friend of mine was killed by an off duty police officer, hit head on, while he was finishing his blunt. The part about putting the real criminals in the jails for giving controlled substances to kids, nah, they will have to put me and you in there it seems. The fact is, in the state of Arkansas, you get about 5 years max for it. That means in about 3 years, you are out on “good behavior”.