How Much Does Suboxone Treatment Cost?
Question by Bean: How much does suboxone treatment cost?
My dad is going to start getting Suboxone for his addiction. He has medicare and is on disability. Will they cover suboxone, and if not how much do they cost in cash? Any rough ideas?
Best answer:
Answer by pollybug_24
Medicare will usually pay for it as long as he’s in treatment approved by the state (counceling, groups, one on one, this doesnt include 12 steps), usually intensive outpatient treatment. My medicare in washington state only pays for 6 months worth of meds, but they wont pay for the doctor visits, but they do pay for the counceling. And suboxone treatment is ALOT. My doctor first wanted a $ 150 deposit nonrefundable to even scheadule an appointment, then $ 250 at the first appointment then $ 130 there after. But the meds is whats costly, at 8mg 3 times daily, it cost almost $ 700 monthly. But every doctor charges diffrently, I’ve heard anywhere from $ 50 an appointment to $ 700. And the 8mg pills run about $ 7 each. So I would look into the medicare and see what they will pay cause he’s gonna need all thte help he can to help pay for this treatment. But it is so worth it, it gave me back my life. And even though methadone treatment is much more cheaper, it still will make him high, and most of those patients still use cause clinics are usually not good at drug testings, but suboxone doctors are very good.