How Many Children Enter Foster Care at Birth in This Situation?

Question by sizesmith: How many children enter at birth in this situation?
Supposedly, this woman is afraid of giving birth, and says in the past, she’d made some horrible mistakes in neglecting her children through drugs. Now that she’s clean, she expects that the state is going to take the child she’s carrying. Does this still happen?
BTW-this is NOT my son’s 1st mom, it is a person through an adoption support groups friend.

Best answer:

Answer by Mum to the Terrible Three!
As far as I’m aware, a child is only apprehended at birth if the parents are still engaging in the behaviours that posed a risk to their children in the past. If she’s now clean, and able to care for the baby adequately I can’t see any reason why the baby would be removed. She may be monitored and offered parenting support.

Answer by Randy B
Sure it could still happen. If she was known to them then she may be “flagged” and CAS would be involved. Under the law, if they know of a situation that warrants it, they are obligated to get involved. The could be something as minor as paying a visit to the hospital or her home after discharge, to follow up visits, to temporary apprehension. Just because they apprehend a child though does not mean it’s permanent. They may get involved until the mother can show that she has changed and is not able to care for the child properly. If needed, and if she is on the right track, supports can be given to assist her. If she has truly turned her life around (she should be commended if that is the case) and done what she needs to do things should be fine.

7 Responses to How Many Children Enter Foster Care at Birth in This Situation?

  • Sly says:

    Oh yes, this happens all the time. The NCFA has made it a part of their upcoming agenda to track women who have already been “touched” by adoption, since they have crossed that threshold. And, the ones who have already lost a child due to tpr is extremely likely in the US as in the UK to lose her child by having it removed at birth. Frightening, but true. There truly is no family safe in this country from the predators.

  • spydermomma says:

    It can vary a lot depending on her state and county, but yes this does happen. Once a mother has been identified by the system they will almost always at least follow up with her. And yes, they could well take the child.

    If I were her I would be proactive and approach my caseworker or a caseworker I had worked with before and present evidence that I was clean and wanted to be a good mom to my child — before giving birth.

    I really wish her good luck.

  • J V says:

    Did she have children removed from her custody due to substance abuse…or for any other reason??


    Then were the children returned because she completed a treatment plan and in essence corrected the condition that led to the removal in the first place??


    Then yes, there is a huge possibility that CPS will get involved again. I have seen this many, many times and in one instance the child was removed from the mother and father because the mother had previous children terminated on for serious and heinous physical abuse and her right were terminated immediately. The father never completed a treatment plan and the child was subsequently placed for adoption…..

    Tell your friend to make sure she is truly drug free and can provide a home with everything in order. She may even need to have a “plan” with an alternate caregiver who will take the child while CPS determines if the child is at risk-if tehy even come knocking. This may keep her baby out of foster care….they may not listen but it is worth a try.

  • Felicita1 says:

    Yes, it still happens. Even if a mother had a problem 10 years ago and is now “clean” this can still be used against her depending on the subjective evaluation of a social worker on a “risk assessment.” She may even be visited in the hospital by a social worker with papers in hand to try to convince her to “voluntarily surrender” her baby.

    In the U.K., in fact, if you have had problems with depression in the past, it can be used against you to take your baby as they figure that there is a risk you may “emotionally abuse” your child by yelling at them. So, not even drugs but depression can be used.

    And if you yourself were a former foster child, that also can be a strike against you.

    Your friend needs an advocate.

  • Dayle says:

    Yes, it still happens. My son’s first mom is pregnant again, her information is in the data base, when she gives birth, DCS, will be alerted. She is doing well, but it will depend on DCS, whether she will be allowed to bring the baby home.

  • grapesgum says:

    Of course it does. In fact, women are targeted by social “services” systems even though they have NO past history with the system – and I mean none. If they are young (married or unmarried) and deliver a baby in some regions, the hospital personnel will try to get social services in their hospital rooms to “help” (help themselves to a baby, that is). My married niece (20 yo) was harassed continuously during her hospital stay after giving birth to her first child. She was a still in college, but a home owner and husband was employed. Her sin? Low income, young, and gave birth to a healthy, blond blue-eyed baby.

  • Bizzi says:

    Regularly…. their are waiting lists for babies 2 years long for some agencies… the baby scope era never ended they just legalized it instead..