How Can You Prove Someone to Be an Unfit Parent?

Question by MOM2008: How can you prove someone to be an unfit parent?
My ex is a drinker… he refuses to admit this and when someone does point this out to him he just gets very defensive and denies it. We have a 6 week old baby and he wants to have half the days of the year but I fear for her safety. He is surrounded by immature people like himself who do not have kids or a care in the world and all they do is drink… which my ex can never say no to this. He has a roommate too that just adds to this addiction because he is always drunk or wants to be drunk. I have LOTS of pictures of them drinking at the bar from past to present… he has told me how drunk he has been recently… but would any of this prove him to be unfit or do I have to wait for some horrible incident to occur involving my baby?? Any information would be great!

Best answer:

Answer by poeticjustyce23
Get it on video… maybe you should hire a private investigator.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Gangland: MS-13 (), Washington D.C. – GDK-The 99% “We Host Freedom” “GDK – Gaming Channel” Mara Sa…


16 Responses to How Can You Prove Someone to Be an Unfit Parent?

  • Google the terms termination of parental rights and the name of your state for the rules near you. Basically, it goes like this:

    The grounds for involuntary termination of parental rights are
    specific circumstances under which the child cannot safely be
    returned home because of risk of harm by the parent or the
    inability of the parent to provide for the child’s basic needs. Each
    State is responsible for establishing its own statutory grounds,
    and these vary by State.
    The most common statutory grounds for determining parental
    unfitness include:
    Severe or chronic abuse or neglect
    Abuse or neglect of other children in the household
    Long-term mental illness or deficiency of the parent(s)
    Long-term alcohol- or drug-induced incapacity of
    the parent(s)
    Failure to support or maintain contact with the child
    Involuntary termination of the rights of the parent to
    another child
    Another common ground for termination is a felony conviction
    of the parent(s) for a crime of violence against the child or
    another family member, or a conviction for any felony when the
    term of incarceration is so long as to have a negative impact on
    the child, and the only available provision of care for the child is
    foster care. …

    Every State, the District of Columbia, American
    Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto
    Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands have statutes
    providing for the termination of parental rights by a
    court. Termination of parental rights ends the legal
    parent-child relationship. Once the relationship
    has been terminated, the child is legally free to be
    placed for adoption, with the objective of securing a
    more stable, permanent family environment that can
    meet the child’s long-term parenting needs.
    Termination may be voluntary or involuntary.
    Birth parents who wish to place their children for
    adoption may voluntarily relinquish their rights.
    For State-by-State details on voluntary relinquishment, including the
    right to revoke consent, see Information Gateway’s Consent to Adoption
    Electronic copies of this publication
    may be downloaded at
    To find statute information for a
    particular State, go to
    To find information on all the
    States and territories, order a copy
    of the full-length PDF by calling
    800.394.3366 or 703.385.7565, or
    download it at

    More here in this 60-page pdf:

  • Cheese Queen Forever says:

    unfortunately, thats the way the law works these days. something horrific has to happen first, before your man can be denied custodial rights to the child.

  • vicious7524 says:

    these are local gangs. like? mafias. not rebel groups. big diff retard.

  • sakda pomongkol says:

    An evil deed committed
    Does not immediately bear fruit,
    Just as milk curdles not at once;
    Smouldering like fire covered? by ashes,
    It follows the fool.?

  • CloudMushroom Thunder says:

    You say all the shit you want in the? internet but when it comes face to face with ms13 you get a fuckin bullet in your head think what you say.

  • ClownViolenceBoogie says:

    MS-13 sucks.?

  • tyler munoz says:

    Fuck ms13 barrio 18st all fuckin day? fuck sur fuck norte and fuck ms

  • walleraper says:

    fuqk you haters you people dont? got nothing on ms 13 fuck off

  • plowhard8 says:

    We be fuckin them tacos up in? va dc md they aint shit and cnt fight

  • Ali Haider says:

    Every gangs in america are very very low put them together go afghanistan iraq fight taliban then they would all get? bombed in a second LOL

  • Ali Haider says:

    Imagine? the taliban rocket launchered ms 13 LOL

  • Karma Rae says:

    do they? have people, in like china and Korea? i prob sound retarded as fuck lol but does anyone know?

  • dgudino56 says:

    Fuck ms? 13

  • bannasrule34 says:

    I? guess los zetas r better

  • adfvssl011 says:

    its crazy watching this and I? grew up around here. I used to and still go to Langley Park sometimes for groceries because my family is from the caribbean and its same food.

  • napperson says:

    All Gangsta’s are bitches,they can’t? do jack unless they have 10 homies backing them up.Send in the National Guard and eradicate these vermin.Who cares where they come from ? Send them back to their country in a shoe box,postage due.

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